Sunflower Seed Pod - Art by Sylvia Kay |
I've seeded Sylviakayfootsteps Google Group, with the material I've shared on my web-site, my other blogs and in my two books: “FOOTSTEPS IN THE SANDS OF TIME... My Journey of Remembering, Self-Healing and Learning Through 4 Lifetimes” and “AN INNER JOURNEY... Footsteps of Poetry and Art".
My book, “FOOTSTEPS IN THE SANDS OF TIME...”, shares not only the steps I took as I navigated, by myself alone through 4 lifetimes of experiences, but also some of the art I created, to help me explore and understand myself. My second book, “AN INNER JOURNEY...” is a distillation of the journey documented in detail in “FOOTSTEPS...” — what I faced and learned, shared in 30 poems, each with its own illustrative art. I've also talked about my meditative inner work on my web-site and on my other blogger blog. On Sylviakayfootsteps Google Group, you are welcome to comment on everything I’ve shared in all of these places or contribute and share relevant material of your own.
My book: “FOOTSTEPS IN THE SANDS OF TIME... My Journey of Remembering, Self-Healing and Learning Through 4 Lifetimes“, chronicles an almost twenty-year meditative quest in search of understanding myself as well as what I could of both “good” and “beautiful”. Throughout this journey, I’ve done my best to live my life in the same way I create my art — one moment at a time without understanding “why” nor insisting it “make sense” when I take the step. Instead, I’ve trusted an inner sense of “rightness” to guide my steps and done my best to be unconcerned about what I would have to face or feel in the process. I’ve focused on just taking the steps that felt “right” inside no matter how they’ve felt otherwise, working with whatever feelings have arisen, to understand myself and trusted any deeper reasons would clarify later, when I was ready for them. As a result, I’ve frequently confronted fear and confusion, as well as pain and sadness, but I’ve also uncovered material inside me that would have been impossible to access, much less understand or integrate otherwise. In “FOOTSTEPS...”, I share the steps I took, what I discovered inside me, as well as how I’ve worked with what I found to construct a space inside where body, mind and spirit could meet and function in harmony. This, I’ve discovered is work that never ends. Each moment, there is something new to feel or think — some change inside to observe, feel, understand and integrate...Cover of "AN INNER JOURNEY..." |
“AN INNER JOURNEY... Footsteps of Poetry and Art“, covers the same journey chronicled in “FOOTSTEPS...”, but with a different focus and emphasis; distilled into 30 poems. Each poem is beautifully accompanied by its own illustrative art. This book also includes an additional section on Working Alone, with more tools and methods I've employed and found useful for exploring and understanding oneself by oneself... Alone...
Both of my books invite my readers to incorporate whatever value they find in what I’ve shared into their own work of experiencing and learning... To this end, both provide space for you to record and explore whatever feelings or thoughts arise in you as you read what I've shared of my journey... Using this space, my books are transformed into your own books, growing with you...
I’ve chosen not to share much of my work on the internet. It’s taken me 4 lifetimes to write and illustrate these books, so it feels like time is also required to read them — time to sit with them, considering, mulling over, contemplating and meditating on the material they contain. The internet seems to move too quickly to facilitate this kind of process — books feel better suited.
I’ve chosen not to share much of my work on the internet. It’s taken me 4 lifetimes to write and illustrate these books, so it feels like time is also required to read them — time to sit with them, considering, mulling over, contemplating and meditating on the material they contain. The internet seems to move too quickly to facilitate this kind of process — books feel better suited.